Youth power in action!
The deadline for FLEX Matching Grant application is just about the corner, therefore I am going to share the information about some amazing celebration events and ideas for GYSD!
National Green Week
National Green Week 2014 kicked off February 3, and you can choose any week until April 25, 2014 to be your Green Week! It is an annual event that empowers schools to engage in sustainability focused lessons, projects or activities. Participate for the whole week, a day, or just one lesson, reading or activity. Schools and groups are encouraged to take this opportunity to spend time with students discussing sustainability topics and exploring ways they can make a difference. Find out more here!
Random Acts of Kindness week
National Green Week
National Green Week 2014 kicked off February 3, and you can choose any week until April 25, 2014 to be your Green Week! It is an annual event that empowers schools to engage in sustainability focused lessons, projects or activities. Participate for the whole week, a day, or just one lesson, reading or activity. Schools and groups are encouraged to take this opportunity to spend time with students discussing sustainability topics and exploring ways they can make a difference. Find out more here!
Random Acts of Kindness week
International Random Acs of Kindness week is starting this next Monday, Febrary 10th, and will last until the end of the week. Take this time to step out of your normal routine or comfort zone and attempt a new random act of kindness each day of the celebratory week. Post and share your stories, photos, videos and ideas on social media channels using #RAKweek.
Here are some simple ideas that will make someone's life better!
You can find out more about this project here!
This events are fun and easy to do! Share these ideas with your friends and family, and help to make the world a better place :) Also, send me updates or pictures or any other information if you decide to take part in it, and I will post them in the blog!
And, the last, but not least - do not forget to participate in Global Youth Service Day! If you haven't started your project yet or need some insparation and ideas, visit GYSD web-site and follow three simple steps:
- Plan a Global Youth Service Day activity - it can be big, small, or somewhere in between. Check out these volunteer ideas,celebration ideas, resources, and inspiring stories to help you get started.
- Make your project count by registering on the GYSD Map. You'll be eligible for the latest news, info, and tips, plus you can use the Map to recruit others to join your project.
- Spread the word! Let others know how they can join your activity, and how they can help. Use GYSD posters, social media messages, and other hints and tips to help you tell your GYSD story.
I hope February is going great for everyone so far, and you are keeping yourselves busy by preparing new GYSD projects :) Keep up with this blog, and soon I will tell you about last year's most outstanding and inspirational projects! Let's make the World a better place together!
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