GYSD Logo formed by volunteers in Talas, Kyrgyzstan |
Meerim Baktybekova ’08 (Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan)
Event Location: 7 regions and 10 locations in Kyrgyzstan (Kant, Tokmok, Karakol, Balykchy, Talas, Sasyk-Bulak, Djalalabad, Osh, Naryn, and Bishkek)
FLEX GYSD Grant Funding: 500$
Cost Share: 1750$
Naryn, Kyrgyzstan |
FLEX alumna Meerim Baktybekova ’08 organized the week-long GYSD project “5 Minutes May Save Your Life” to raise awareness among youth to road and traffic safety. Organizers held educational and interactive workshops for school and college students in every region of the country. The project addressed one of the biggest issues in Kyrgyzstan - road accidents. Last year alone 1217 people died and 10738 were injured in car accidents across the country, including 1540 children. The project embraced two main aspects of the GYSD – public health and education. During the project, participants attended training about road safety followed by interactive games and quizzes. Participants were given DVD disks with information, brochures, reflectors, and specially illustrated books for young children.
Sasyk-Bulak, Kyrgyzstan |
This was one of the largest GYSD projects in Eurasia, involving over 1500 students between the ages of 14-18. The seven FLEX alumni and 15 other volunteers organized the project between the dates of April 9-15. Project organizers would like to thank the project partners for their support and cooperation: PA Road Safety, the country office of the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, local city halls, partner schools and university administrations.
Karakol, Kyrgyzstan |
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